The Situation

Construction of sets habitacionais in areas peripheral, compelling occupation, power public in planning of point of view of growth of city, intervening directly with direction to prepare city for growth population, action, services and workmanships future to try to anticipate it problems, making with that the urban planning, the economic development and the growth of the city they are planned with antecedence so that the people who arrive have certain ways covering. A acurada comment more of the demands that had contributed for the modernization was to the agriculture, that liberates man power, the land concentration, the lack of ranks of work beyond the politics habitacional. Thus the people migram for the city, specifically for the Aracaju capital, giving origin the construction of projects architectural as joint habitacionais, buildings and improvement in the aracajuana landscape without attacking its physical and ambient aspects. She in agreement analyzes of the data of the field research this being carried through the reality of the capital, verifying the occured changes in the period in screen. Demonstrating the results harvested in elapsing of the visits in field of the applied questionnaires they are mensurados to the project. FINAL CONSIDERAES To understand the strategy main of the research constitute in informing the evolution of the population growth evidencing the rhythm fast politician and socioeconmico they for etria band, tax of natality, income are/job, education, housing and agricultural immigration of the cities of the State and other neighboring States. Based in the survey in I lease and in the interviews through questionnaire with the population of each quarter they are visualizing some factors that are calling attention in the urban context of the city. Beyond in the servile one as marcante example of the situation where if it finds Aracaju, as projects architectural of buildings and houses in habitacionais sets, as well as the abandonment of the architecture of the city.