Wooden Houses

Conceiving the construction of suburban summer homes or cottages, many continue to prefer wooden houses. Wooden houses – is not only a tribute to tradition, it is a choice of durability, strength and aesthetics. Wooden houses attract weary of the hustle and bustle of the inhabitants of high-rise buildings for many reasons, one of which – the closeness to nature. Wood – an exceptional material that with proper treatment and can serve as horoshemuhode very long. Wooden houses due to good thermal insulation properties of the material are presented in the July heat, cool, and is surrounded by a warm winter. The air in the forest are full of flavor, it has healing properties – a tree allocates volatile to prevent colds and viral diseases.

Mistaken one who calls the wooden houses of old and dusty. It is necessary to look through the directory of houses, and you can make a different conclusion. New technologies in construction permit to build these palaces of wood! Wooden houses are built of different materials. Some prefer a log house, hewn by hand, someone they like the house made of logs. Recently more popular are home from a bar. In the construction used several types of timber – timber of natural moisture, profiled bar, and laminated veneer lumber. Brus natural moisture – is calibrated with a log square or rectangular cross-section.

Manufactured logs at the factory, at 4 Kant, or manually with a saw. The phrase "shaped beam" speaks for itself – items given to a certain profile. As the benefits of profiled bar indicates the minimum shrinkage and low heat loss. Glued laminated timber – a material is the most popular. Produce it were about 30 years ago. Such material is produced by bonding specially treated under the pressure of boards, slats. Glued laminated timber, compared with profiled dried better and gives a marginal shrinkage. Home from a bar – is at home with smooth walls that do not require additional finishing. In addition to these characteristics at home from a bar and retain the main advantages of wooden structures – they are environmentally friendly, have good insulation. Construction companies offer directory of houses, including including houses of timber. Wooden houses, types of which can be seen in the photograph, provide an opportunity to see their aesthetic appeal. If you compare home from a bar and house of logs, you can see benefits first. Home from a bar (shaped) are going faster than homes made of logs. Minor shrinkage (under3%) give a home from a bar, which almost immediately you can do finishing work, installing stairs, windows. Houses made of logs should give shrinkage – it takes almost a year. Another plus – the house of timber is moisture in the walls of these seldom cracks. Undoubtedly, the home of logs also have their advantages. It is believed that the house made of logs are extremely durable. Wooden houses, from whatever material they were made, this is an excellent choice. Live in them happily, comfortably and comfortable.