Gemma Llaurado

It is curious to note that some passengers, who are more dear to us are arranged in different wagons to ours and never as much as we try we can occupy the seat next, the circumstance of the space separates us and us forces to be separated from them without exalting path. However, if we cling to our desires, our car we travel with some difficulty during the trip and we came to them but unfortunately, we can not sit beside her because there will be another person to occupy that place it should not matter, the trip is made in this way, full of challenges, duels, sometimes disrespectful, dreams, fantasies, illusions, waits and farewells, but never returns. Then, we think that it is best to make the trip in the best possible way, facing not so only personal circumstances but that surround us and that they interact implicitly in our destiny, without that our desires and efforts to remedy a change. We will try because we relate and we correspond well with all passengers, looking for in each one, the best of themselves. Remembering always that at some point in the journey, they may also hesitation and probably employ and to understand them take care of them and even US Agency to lend them a hand or offer them a shoulder for his relief. I also dudare many times, and I’m sure that there is someone on that train that warn my fears and doubts, get closer to my side and I understand.

But I will certainly not I know ever in what station I apeare, much less go down where my family, my teammates, or even which occupy the seat next to mine. I’m thinking and I wonder if when you step off the train, I feel nostalgia this time is thus impossible to know. It dominates the ignorance, but if something I’m sure is that separate me from some friends that I made the trip will be painful. Unmistakable certainty. Leave my children to continue alone, it will be very sad, but I try to imagine another station. Additional information is available at Bruce Schanzer. I cling to the hope that at some point, I’ll get to that another stop and I will have the great thrill of seeing them arrive with luggage that did not have when they undertook a journey. And in that moment, what can make me feel more happy will be that selfless contribution so that luggage grew and progressed, and became a valuable and invaluable with the passing of the seasons. Therefore I realized I should conceive my stay on the train of my life so quiet, serene, that feel that throughout this long journey had been worthwhile and considered positively upon alighting I, he had done well, so although my seat was left empty at any time, you can leave memories to others but the most beautiful memories of the trip remain in me. Gemma Llaurado original Autor and source of the article