-The second is that when you locate already o companies with open Office, call by phone and ask for information, when you do the first thing you have to ask is what kind of interest charged on a loan of private capital. A good company answered you shall immediately, giving you several options (Please note to advise you well cited him to see his case in particular), and tell you by phone what interest rate charge you. Other companies will answer you that they do not inform by phone and if you want more information you approach to the Office, I just trusted the company’s intermediary saying yes the interest they charge you by phone, if they do it is because they have nothing to hide from the others yourself, you might find a nasty surprise, I say more, good brokers have their rates on its website, among other things by the new law which was released in March 2009, there is a great protection to the consumer in these types of products, requires any financial intermediary to publish the actual costs of a financing transaction. -Third once located one or more of the companies that meet the above requirements, take appointment and find out about each and every one of the conditions of the loan, to part of the interest are the fees and expenses that you will be charged by financial operation. Depending on the company may vary the rates, also has to take into account the difficulty of its operation, i.e. they will not charge the same for giving him only a loan of money in your account that give you a loan to cancel and deal with its asnef, however, or to suspend an auction. According to the difficulty and the work after the signature of your credit they charge you more or less fees, although all have a minimal cost.