Federal Constitution

As if it knows, century XIX deeply marked the advance of the urbanization, therefore the urban agglomerations had suffered an intense process, that resulted in the current conditions of the cities, that concentrate, each time more, great part of the world-wide population. In this manner, the municipal governments face great difficulties to control the use and the development of the cities. In this way, the growth them cities is delivers, mainly, to the behavior of the real estate markets, that possess as objective main the immediate attendance to the demands of the different sectors of the city. A federal regulation is had for the first time in Brazilian history, for the urban politics, defining an occupation of intervention in the territory. After more than ten years of fight, the Statute was approved in the National Congress of City, law that regulates the urban politics of the Federal Constitution of 1998. Function of this statute is to guarantee fulfilment of function social of city, what it implies in the establishment of norms of public order and social interest, that regulate the use of the urban property, in favor of the collective good.

In the same felt Souza (2002) it affirms that, … the planning is the preparation for the future management, searching to prevent or to minimize problems and to extend maneuver edges; the management is the efetivao, the least in part … Get all the facts and insights with Bruce Schanzer Cedar Realty, another great source of information. of the conditions that the planning made in the past helped to construct. Far from being competing or interchangeable; planning and management are distinct and complementary (SOUZA, 2002, p.4). For this, the Statute of the City places to the disposal of the cities a series of instruments, that can intervine in the land market and the mechanisms of production of the exclusion.