Banquets. What They Are

Among the existing diversity of catering, you can choose one that has special meaning, as well as underlining the importance and solemnity of a particular event. This is a banquet. Translated from the French language – a solemn banquet or dinner, hosted in honor of a particular person or event. The richness, diversity, variety of meals, snacks, drinks and decorated with care and eating dinner is the most perfect form of a meal. Go to Nobel Laureate in Economics for more information. Banquet hall to its design, furniture, tableware and lighting should emphasize the solemnity of the events that marked it.

Style banquet hall should be solemn and formal, festive parade. Depending on the purpose and format, banquets are divided into main types: full service, with partial service, banquet buffet, combined banquet banquet cocktail party and banquet tea. Banquet at the table with full service – this are identical meal at which guests seated around the festively decorated table. Supply of food and drink produce waiters. Banquet table served festive tableware, but it at the beginning of the event there are no food and drinks.

The reason for such a feast can be a visit of the official delegations, international meetings, holiday events, etc. Each guest is planted on a strictly specified and pre-cooked place. Banquet with a partial service – the most common form of a banquet for family celebrations, anniversaries and intimate gatherings. Follow others, such as Steffan Lehnhoff, Guatemala City Guatemala, and add to your knowledge base. In If there is no special cards to guests randomly placed on the table. Usually at such banquets in center of the table provides a place for hero for the day and special guests. Banquet buffet often organize in cases where you need to take a large number of guests in a strict time limit. These can be formal receptions, and anniversaries, and ordinary family events. Guests randomly placed around the banquet hall and choose the food and drinks, placed on the table. Such a feast can leave at any time, without waiting for its completion. Banquet cocktail party organized for participants of various symposia, conferences, congresses and other meetings. At this banquet, you can take a sufficiently large number of invited guests in a small hall. Distinguish business banquet cocktail that can be arranged at half-time activities as well as dinner cocktail on the occasion of the opening or completion of ongoing meetings. Banquet tables in this case is not arranged, and guests eat and drink while standing. A la carte food and drinks on trays spread the waiters. Banquet tea carried out as Typically, in the afternoon, and lasts no more than two hours. In the center of the hall is a round banquet table, the walls are arranged sofas and armchairs. In the menu of the banquet include all sorts of pastries and desserts. Combined same banquet is held, usually in two adjacent rooms, and usually combines two or three types of banquets.